Heron Bay Community Clubhouse Whatever it is, this is where it's at!
- Neighborhood parties - Club meetings and events - HBHOA business meeting - Private parties and events - Boat launch and more...
To find out what's happening today, just check the "Calendar of Events Page".
Have your event here! The clubhouse is now available to property owners for private parties and special events. To apply to reserve your special date, start by downloading the Clubhouse Rules and Application Form. Please follow the directions in the document to make your request a reservation.
While HOA business meetings and scheduled events take precedence, we will make every attempt to accommodate your request. Be advised, the decision to allow or disallow an event by the HBHOA is final.
The Heron Bay Clubhouse Manager will contact you once your request is received. She will guide you through the clubhouse rental procedure!
Heron Bay Homeowners Association, c/o RealManage Association Management 8301 University Executive Park Dr, Suite 130, Charlotte, NC 28262 Phone: 866-473-2573 4u2contact@HeronBay.Org